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    New preparation method: nutrition glue t
    Release time:2012-10-11 Article source:本站  Browsing times:5810

    Production of compound fertilizer, mostly to water nitrogen and phosphorus, potassium, three types of " nutrition " bond, agglomerated into particles, then heating and drying, so that both energy consumption and pollution. Reporters yesterday from Shanghai Research Institute of chemical industry was informed, the Institute of chemical fertilizer research institute director Zhu Dongming the clever use of a itself contain nitrogen and phosphorus "nutrition glue ", instead of water to get raw materials directly into granular fertilizer, not only saves the step of drying, quality indicators is also better than the national standard, the products fill the gaps in a year listing.

    As a specially formulated " feeding ", compound fertilizer must be consistent with the crop "appetite ". Fertilizer such as in the form of powder spread, not only will be the crop leaf " interception ", the wind and rain will loss; in solution form fertilization, transport capacity, waste of manpower, do not meet the requirements of large-scale mechanized fertilizing. Therefore, the provisions of the state, need a solid granular compound fertilizer, diameter up to 1 mm to 4.75 mm, and the granular content should be in 90% above. On the other hand, compound fertilizer such as water too much pressure, easy to agglomerate, the water content of no more than 2%. At present, about three fourths of the domestic manufacturers to use " agglomeration " for production of granular compound fertilizer, but the method using water or water vapor bonding material and agglomeration granulation, need to buy expensive and energy consumption of drying and dust removal equipment, also deal with dry nitrogen phosphorus and potassium fertilizer dust a large amount of exhaust gas.

    In order to solve this problem, the research group led by Zhu Dongming after more than 3 years, the preparation of a very little water " nutrition glue ", it will not only be able to " stick" to most raw, but was itself crop nutrients. This was named " without drying preparation compound fertilizer " new invention, with a concentration of 95% - 99.7% of the urea or ammonium phosphate to the replacement of water, add continuously rotating special granulating machine, was " glue " stick up the bulk material is broken up into small particles, not bonded powder materials are squeezed into granular. These small particles to the polishing machine play a roll mill, two smooth, dry granular fertilizer was born. According to the survey, they were 2.5 to 4.5 mm in diameter, the size of uniform. The particulate content of up to 99%, higher than the national standard about one; at the same time water content less than 1%, only half of the national cap.

    According to the introduction, this kind of compound fertilizer production method without drying and tail gas dust removal process, equipment, energy consumption can be reduced by about 15%, manpower cost. According to the 4000 compound fertilizer manufacturers, the annual output of nearly 100 million tons of computation, such as half the manufacturers using the new method, annual cost savings can produce millions of tons of fertilizer. In addition, urea, ammonium phosphate, concentrated liquid form " glue " only nitrogen phosphorus plant intermediate product, which makes the raw material procurement costs will fall. It is reported, the invention has applied for national patents, plan about a year later in 100 domestic fertilizer factory to promote the use of.

    The president of the East China University of Science and Technology, the invention patent appraisal committee chairman Professor Zhu Zibin expert opinion: this technology in saving energy and reducing consumption, increase the production capacity, reduce product cost advantages, in line with the national conditions, to fill the domestic blank, reached the international advanced level.

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